
Mattias Jonsson is CBC’s new Director

Published: 04 March 2019

Since the beginning of 2019, the Centre for Biological Control, CBC, has a new Director. Mattias Jonsson from the Department of Ecology takes over after Ingvar Sundh.

Mattias has been part of CBC since its foundation in 2011. His main research area is biodiversity and conservation biological control with insects and arachnids.

Ingvar Sundh from the Department of Molecular Sciences has been the director during the transition year 2018 when CBC's operational group was partly replaced.

– I look forward to continuing Margareta Hökeberg's and Ingvar Sundh's appreciated work with CBC. Both conservation biological control and augmentative biological control have important roles when we develop sustainable agricultural and horticultural methods. In the coming year, CBC will put extra focus on involving and supporting other SLU researchers in the area, says Mattias says.

CBC also receives a new deputy Director, Johan Stenberg. Johan replaces Mattias as deputy Director. Johan belongs to the Department of Plant Protection Biology in Alnarp and his research focuses on how biological control is influenced by plant traits and cultivar mixtures.


With a grant from the Swedish government, SLU runs the Centre for Biological Control (CBC), which, with a focus on pest control with living organisms, contributes to a sustainable use of biological resources. CBC is a competence driven actor in biological control, both nationally and internationally.

The centre is virtual with researchers located at different SLU departments in Uppsala and Alnarp. CBC is organizationally placed under the Department of Ecology at the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences.

Read more about the Centre for Biological Control, CBC here.

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