
SCAW celebrated 10 years

Published: 13 May 2019
Viveka Hillegaart talks at SCAW:s 10 year anniversary. Photo.

SCAW celebrated 10 years working with animal welfare.

More than 100 people gathred at Ultuna in Uppsala the 8th of May to celebrate SCAW's 10 year anniversary. The day offered a number of interesting lectures from leading researchers in animal welfare, from EU parliamentarians and SCAW's own staff. SCAW's work as a contact point for slaughter and PARERE (validation of alternative methods for animal experiments) was illustrated by dialogue between SCAW and the industry. The day ended with SCAW's director, Viveka Hillegaart, forseeing 10, 20, maybe 100 more active years for SCAW with important work in the animal welfare area.
