
New head of department

Published: 01 July 2019

Lars Sonesten has been appointed new head of department at Aquatic Sciences and Assessment.

After more than ten years Willem Goedkoop ended his appointment as head of the department in December 2018. During the spring has Lars Sonesten been the acting head of department and from 1st July he is appointed as the new ordinary head of the department.

Lars Sonesten holds a Ph.D. in limnology and has for many years been working with environmental assessment. His work includes among others compilations and assessments of the load of nutrients and other substances to the sea, the national data host for fresh water monitoring data and international appointments among others within HELCOM and OSPAR.

The head of departments at SLU are appointed for three years and Lars Sonesten has thus been appointed head of department for the period 1st July 2019 to 30th June 2022. Lars Sonesten has in turn appointed Stina Drakare as deputy head of the department.