
The usefulness of sensor data

Published: 28 January 2020
First page of the report "Sensorer för vattenkvalitet i miljöövervakning av vattendrag", screenshot.

A new report about how to use sensors in the environmental monitoring has been published.

At the department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment is research and development performed on the use of sensors for environmental monitoring. 

Sensors measuring e.g. temperature, pressure, conductivity, pH, turbidity and/or dissolved organic carbon in water have been used in different projects. In connection to the LifeIP project Rich Waters has a report been published which summarizes the experiences from the departments work with sensors. 

The conclusion is that sensors are a valuable complement to the ordinary environmental monitoring. By using sensors can for example better estimations of the transport of various substances be made. 

Authors of the report from the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment are Jens Fölster and Emma Lannergård. The report has been written together with colleagues from IVL who have made measurements in urban runoff systems within the Rich Waters project.