
Marie Spohn, new Professor in biogeochemistry of forest soils

Published: 22 September 2020
Portrait photo of a woman outdoors. Photo.

Marie Spohn is a Professor in biogeochemistry of forest soils at the Department of Soil and Environment at SLU since May 2020.

In her research, she explores cycling of carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen in terrestrial ecosystems. She is specifically interested in interactions between different element cycles in soil. In order to gain a better understanding of element cycling, she uses a large range of methods, including soil chemical analyses, isotopes as well as microbiological tools.

During the last years, Marie has studied soils in many different regions including Chile, South Africa, and the USA. In the future, she will focus on element cycling in temperate and boreal forest soils in Sweden.

Read more about Professor Marie Spohn here.


Marie Spohn studied biology and earned a PhD in soil science from the University of Oldenburg, Germany in 2011. After a two-year postdoc at the University of Göttingen, she worked as an assistant professor at the University of Bayreuth, Germany. After a stay at the University of Vienna in 2015, she started her own group at the University of Bayreuth in 2016 founded by the German Research Foundation through the Emmy Noether Programme.