
52 climate weeks a year – at SLU

Published: 01 November 2021

Starting from today, after a one-year interruption due to the pandemic, it is time for the UN's 26th two-week climate conference COP 26, this year in Glasgow. Mitigating and adapting to climate change is one of the primary challenges facing humanity this century. At SLU, every week is "climate week". We contribute our knowledge about the development and sustainable use of living natural resources all year round.

Climate change fundamentally impacts all parts of society and adaptation needs to be at the core of development. Major challenges include transforming agriculture and food systems into resilient systems with low emissions, and balancing forestry’s role to store carbon and provide biomaterials with biodiversity conservation and resilience of local communities.

SLU’s research and partnerships linked to climate are multiple and target context specific solutions for increased resilience and adaptation as well as mitigation. Here are some examples related to global development:

Climate related resources

Climate conversations at SLU

SLU Global and the future platforms organise a series of climate conversations during 2021 and 2022. Some of them are internal dialogues and others are open seminars. Keep track of what is happening here.

Get updates

During 1-12 November, SLU Global highlights climate related research and resources, please visit our website and follow us in social media for updates. 


About COP26

The COP26 summit brings parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.