
New Formas projects about eutrophication and oligotrophication, among others

Published: 30 November 2021
Phytoplankton with arrows to and from chytrids and viruses, Illustration.

Maliheh Mehrshad and Danny Lau from the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment have been granted new research projects from Formas. Several researchers from the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment are also co-applicants on other awarded projects.

Two projects with the main applicant from the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment have been awarded research money in Formas’ yearly call.

Maliheh Mehrshad has been awarded 3,9 million SEK in the annual open call for early career researchers for the project How do parasitic interactions modulate the fate of phytoplankton biomass during lake eutrophication.

Danny Lau has been awarded 3 million SEK in the annual open call for the project Ecological change in Arctic/alpine lakes – Food web effects of ongoing climate-change induced oligotrophication (ARCWEB).

Additionally, are researchers from the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment co-applicants on several granted projects:

  • Lutz Ahrens is co-applicant on the project Artificial groundwater recharge – A shortcut for harmful poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) into groundwater systems and drinking water supplies – Can we avoid this? which is led by  Philipp Wanner from the University of Gothenburg. The project has been awarded 4 million SEK.
  • Stefan Bertilsson is co-applicant on the project Mechanistic principles and quantitative predictions of methylmercury formation in oxygen deficient coastal seas which is led by Erik Björn från Umeå University. The project has been awarded 3 million SEK.
  • Anna-Karin Dahlberg is co-applicant on the project Biogas production from fiberbanks: combining sediment remediation and energy production (RemErgy) which is led by Alizee Lehoux from Uppsala University. The project has been awarded 4 million SEK.
