Hernán Capador Barreto
Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, SLU, 018-67 27 06
We have a master project in biology available at the department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology at SLU in Uppsala. The main objective is to identify genes involved in virulence in Heterobasidion annousm, a fungal pathogen infecting Norway Spruce and Scots Pine in boreal forests.
This pathogen usually enters the host through mechanical wounds or root contacts underground, and our main interest is to understand what are the molecular interactions between the two organisms that lead to a successful infection.
For this project we have a collection of fungal isolates available. The isolates have had their genome sequenced. It is possible to analyse RNA-seq data in which the transcripts from both host and pathogen have been sequenced at two different timepoints after infection.
Since this project has a bioinformatic focus and involves the analysis of genomic and transcriptomic data it is ideal under the current situation, but could eventually involve infection experiments in the field and molecular work in the lab.
If you are interested please send an email to with a short presentation.
Hernán Capador Barreto
Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, SLU, 018-67 27 06