
Graduate School Course " Quantitative microbial risk assessment"

Published: 16 March 2021

Graduate School Course "Quantitative microbial risk assessment" is conducted at SLU in collaboration with OIE Joint Collaborating Centre for Food Safety in Asia and Pacific

This course will teach how to conduct a risk assessment according to the OIE and the Codex alimentarius frameworks. The course will teach the concepts of hazard analyses, hazard characterization, dose-response relationships, exposure assessment, and conducting qualitative and quantitative risk assessments using tools such as RiskRanger and @Risk. In addition, the course will touch on the topics of risk management and risk communication.

Read more at GS-VMAS pages or the courseposter


Elina Åsbjer, Senior Administrative Officer
Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare, SCAW Nationellt centrum för djurvälfärd, +4618671636, +46703746149