
SLU Landscape in project on play systems

Published: 29 April 2021

How can current focus on a few attractive playgrounds be broadened in order to allow children’s play and movements in the entire urban environment? In the project Commonplay, the possibilities of a change into a decentralised network of play environments are studied and tested. The starting point is the existing common green in-between spaces and small interventions with a participatory approach.

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The project is financed through ArkDes open call 2021. The team is led by Galaxen at Topia and includes also Upplands-Bro local government and four SLU landscape researchers: Carola Wingren, Vera Vicenzotti, Fredrika Mårtensson and Märit Jansson.


Märit Jansson, Senior lecturer
Department of Landscape Architecture, Governance and Management
Phone: 040-415135