
A sustainable future in low-income countries in the spotlight

Published: 11 June 2021

To meet the great challenges of our time, a change in society is required. DevRes2021 is a creative meeting place for actors working for a sustainable future in low-income countries. SLU is one of the organisers of this year’s conference and our researchers contribute to several sessions of the conference, as chairs or as speakers.

On 14–16 June, the digital research conference DevRes2021 will be held. Hundreds of researchers, politicians, practitioners, funders and other stakeholders from large parts of the world are expected to attend and choose from over 50 sessions and lectures on research for sustainable development in low-income and lower-middle-income countries.

Here you find the full programme as well as lists with contributing SLU researchers.

Voices about DevRes

SLU researcher Aida Bargues Tobella, member of the DevRes steering committee:

"I am very excited that DevRes is finally taking place next week, after more than one year of preparations. The conference will be a great platform to engage with different stakeholders at the national and international levels working with development research. Development research in low-income countries is key to advancing sustainable development, considering that ‘leaving no one behind’ is the central premise of the Agenda 2030. SLU researchers are participating in almost half of the sessions, either as chairs or panelists, which is fantastic and shows how committed we are to contribute to advancing sustainable development for all."

Professor Ingrid Öborn (SLU), who is also chairing The Swedish Research Council's Committee for Development Research:

"During the conference, researchers will also have the chance to discuss with funders of development research and research for sustainable development – the Swedish Research Council (VR), Sida and Formas.

VR have annual calls for projects, networks and postdoc-grants within development research funded by the Government’s development cooperation funds. The research shall be of particular relevance to the fight against poverty and for sustainable development in low-income countries, and the network grants can also include partners in lower middle-income countries. I will encourage you to link up to DevRes to interact and learn how you can engage in development research within your area of interest."


SLU arranges this year's conference together with Umeå University, the Swedish Research Council, Formas and Sida and the conference is being broadcast digitally due to the covid-19 pandemic.

DevRes stands for Development Research and this year's theme is Advancing Sustainable Transformation. More information about the conference can be found here.