
A golden resource for beer production and sustainable agriculture

Published: 18 February 2022
Beer foam. Photo.

Prithvi Simha and Björn Vinnerås from SLU were interviewed in a feature article in Nature magazine in February 2022, on their research on how to separate urine to use as fertilizers for crops and agriculture. A similar feature, more specifically portrating the SLU project, was recently published in the Source Magazine from the International Water Association.

In this project, hosted at the Environmental Engineering Group at the Department of Energy and Technology at SLU, researchers have found a way to separate and dry urine and transform it into pellets that can be used as fertilizers in agricultural production. The fertilizer is currently tested on Gotland at barley fields aimed for beer production.

“We have a solution that provides an improved sanitation solution for the world’s population at the same time that it produces fertilizers that can be used directly in today’s agriculture,” says Björn Vinnerås, professor of recycling technology at the Department of Energy and Technology at SLU in an earlier interview for SLU Urban Futures: Don’t flush the secret to sustainable agriculture down the toilet!  


The urine revolution: how recycling pee could help to save the world

The disruptive opportunity for mainstreaming urine recycling

Don’t flush the secret to sustainable agriculture down the toilet!

Blog from the Environmental Engineering Group at SLU

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