
Climate conversation - register now!

Published: 07 February 2022
Rapeseed in cracked soil

SLU Global and the future platforms are organising a series of climate conversations. In March 2022 we are inviting everyone interested in joining a seminar with focus on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. The registration is now open!

How should we adapt food production under climate change?

Working Group II contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report is scheduled to be finalised in February 2022 focusing on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. This webinar will therefore give an introduction to the report by Debra Roberts, Co-Chair of Working Group II. In addition, Jennie Barron and Harry Fischer from SLU will add their perspectives, in relation to the report and their research, on adaptation to climate change, food production and livelihoods.

When: 10 March 2022 9.00-10.30 CET

Where: Zoom


Find out more and register to the event here!