If you are interested in doing an internship focusing on global questions, there are several opportunities to choose between at different organisations. SLU Global is also helping arrange a new internship course (30ETCS) open for students at SLU.
Having the opportunity to do an internship during the studies is very valuable. An internship looks good on the resume and will give you as a student useful experience for the future. SLU Global collaborates with several organisations offering internship positions to students.
SLU Global is also a collaborating part of the new internship course "Qualified internship for sustainable development", start autumn 2022.
Students enrolled in this internship will get a valuable opportunity to reflect upon challenges in translating principles of sustainability to real world job environments, says Adan Martinez-Cruz, course leader.
Pay particular attention to FUF internships as their deadline approaches soon (27 Feb), and they will start just in time to link it to Qualified Internship for Sustainable Development.
Organisations recruiting interns:
- Föreningen för utvecklingsfrågor (FUF). FUF is a platform that facilitates internships of relevance to global development. https://fuf.se/en/karriar/praktikantprogrammet/ Among others, Sida normally recruits a number of interns through this platform every semester. Other organisations that have used FUF to recruit interns are for example the NGOs ForumCiv and Naturskyddsföreningen (Swedish Society for Nature Conservation), and the government agency EBA (the Expert Group for Aid Studies). FUF has a systematic approach to safeguard the interns rights, including through insurance and compulsory training of supervisors.
Note! Deadline for application to FUF is 27 February.
SLU course: Qualified Internship for Sustainable Development
The new course Qualified Internship for Sustainable Development, 30 ETCS, is open for application. The goal is that SLU's students learn first-hand how sustainability is addressed in workplaces of their interest. The course is offered as an independent course at Master’s level.
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Please, contact Adan L. Martinez-Cruz (adan.martinez.cruz@slu.se), course leader of the internship course, to discuss how your internship can be linked to the course.