
Earth Day - Invest in our planet!

Published: 22 April 2022
Hand helds glass ball with blue sky and trees behind

Today we acknowledge The International Mother Earth Day. The theme for 2022 is Invest in our planet. As a small step to help protect our planet, SLU Global will host a webinar about Healthy harvests in a changing climate 28 April.

The webinar Healthy harvests in a changing climate is hosted by SLU Global in collaboration with International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), CGIAR and Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA). The webinar will be held on 28 April and there is still a chance for you to sign up!

The webinar will focus on plant health and nature-based solutions in a global perspective. It gathers experts from SLU, CGIAR, and several international organisations who ​will discuss sustainable solutions for the future as a contribution to Stockholm+50

Irish Baguilat, one of the speakers at the webinar, is the coordinator for the UN Decade of Family Farming & Women Farmers' Agenda at the Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) in the Philippines.

”Smallholder farmers and their communities are repositories of indigenous knowledge, practices, and agrobiodiversity that are critical in a changing climate. As we work together to create resilient communities and a more sustainable world with climate change in our midst, let us conserve and make use of this practical knowledge and agrobiodiversity that farmers have been improving for decades”, says Irish.

The webinar will especially emphasise the supports needed for practical implementation – including climate-informed advisory services, information and communication technology, and policy. Join us next Thursday to listen to and discuss with our scientist and practitioners.

Read more and register here!


SLU's plant health package

SLU has, together with partners, developed a resource package to contribute to healthy harvest in a changing climate. it consists of a report, a film and a policy brief.



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