The Swedish bilateral research collaboration with Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), Cambodja, started in 2019 and supports engineering, ICT and science. A delegation from RUPP is now in Sweden and a visit at SLU is part of their programme.
The delegation from Cambodja have been on a visit to SLU in Uppsala to meet with Vice-Chancellor Maria Knutson-Wedel and some of the researchers involved in the collaboration; Velemir Ninkovic, Sofia Boqvist and Björn Vinnerås. The delegation consisted of representatives from RUPP, Sida and Uppsala University.
The delegation had several interesting meetings with the involved researchers presenting their area of expertise. Velemir Ninkovic, senior lecturer in plant protection, held a very appreciated presentation about plants and there ability to communicate with their surroundings, Professor Björn Winnerås showed a new way to extract fertilizers from urine and the delegation also visited some of the laboratories at SLU and talked to Associate Professor Sofia Boqvist and one of her PhD-students, Huoy Laingshun.
From the perspective of being a researcher I really appreciate the bilateral programmes supported by Sida, in this case exemplified by the RUPP-SLU collaboration. Such programmes stimulate research, increase networks and are thus win-win situations for the academic institutes, researchers and students involved. There are of course challenges that needs to be solved along the way, but I am very happy to be part of this RUPP-SLU collaboration. - Sofia Boqvist
The International Science Programme (ISP) at Uppsala University is responsible for the overall collaboration and in particular engineering and science. SPIDER is responsible for ICT.