
GCUA 2030 course package

Published: 09 September 2022

GCUA 2030 offers four PhD-courses running from May to November 2022. Two of the courses have now finished and they have been really appreciated among the students.

Between May and June, 2022, 20 doctoral students from 9 universities and research centers in Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, the United States and Vietnam participated in the GCUA course Working and communicating across cultures. The course is part of a course package of short PhD courses focusing on enhancing participants’ ability to integrate the SDGs into research and teaching. 

The aim of this particular course was to allow students to familiarise themselves with how intercultural competence and communication might impact and contribute to the work towards the SDGs. The course was led by SLU Educational Developer Natalie Jellinek.

Some quotes from course participants when asked what new skills they had gained form their participation in the course:

"Openness to learn different cultures and their impact in the learning environment." 

"A greater awareness of the challenges of working across multicultural teams and ways of approaching this, new insights about diversity of cultures and its impacts on many aspects, how we should behave in a multi-culture environment and respect others."

"Effective group communication skills are not only described as techniques, but also step-by-step leading to individual self-discovery in a cross-cultural communication environment. I myself began to be able to reflect more on things (not only in working, teaching but also family) that I had difficulty explaining in detail before."

The second course was held from June to July 2022. 20 doctoral students from 8 universities (New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden and USA) took part in the course Education for sustainable development: Teaching for sustainability. The course was led by SLU Educational Developer Peter Aspengren. 

"The  course strives  to  co-create  knowledge  production  with  students  to  ensure  that  knowledge  from academics does not merely stay within the academic space, that students are able to take it back into the different contexts they come from and become changemakers."

"The clearest insight about this course is the relationship between Education and Sustainability—I learned how to design a course that could help students to address sustainability issues around the world."

We are now looking forward to the two upcoming courses



GCUA 2030 course package:

By the year 2050 the world´s population will exceed nine billion people. We need to solve the equation of meeting a growing demand for food while reducing its environmental impacts – and it all needs to be done under a changing climate. Research and innovation, translated into relevant action on a global scale is essential to meet these global challenges.

GCUA 2030 offers four new PhD-courses running from May to November 2022. The courses can be taken as a full package or as individual courses and are free of charge for students affiliated to a GCUA 2030 university. 

In these short PhD courses (1.5 or 2.0 credits each), they will learn more about the  (SDGs) and enhance their ability to integrate the SDGs into theresearch and teaching. The courses will also cover aspects on how scientific knowledge can be translated into action by using the concept of Theory of Change, and how to measure impact of your research. They will strengthen their intercultural competence and explore the meaning and impact of culture in different contexts, all while also broadening their network.

GCUA 2030 logotype

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GCUA 2030 coordinator

Paul Egan, Associate Professor/ Researcher
Department of Plant Protection Biology
Telephone: +46 (0) 40-415162