Medals for Distinguished Service to Blokhuis, Garcia-Gil and Bertram

SLU annually awards three Medals for Distinguished Service. This year the Great Medal is awarded to Professor Harry Blokhuis. The smaller Gold Medal is awarded to Associate Professor Rosario Garcia-Gil, while the silver medal is awarded to Researcher Michael Bertram.
The medals were instituted through a decision by the SLU Board in April 2009 and were awarded for the first time in 2010. The SLU Board also decides who will receive the medals.
The Great Medal for Distinguished Service is awarded for research efforts deemed "remarkable from an international perspective". The smaller Gold Medal for Distinguished Service awards "exemplary, exceptional efforts of lasting value". The Silver Medal for Distinguished Service is awarded to a young, promising talent at SLU who is encouraged to continue in the same exemplary manner in the future, "preferably within the innovation and collaboration field".
From the left: Harry Blokhuis, Dept. of Animal Environment and Health (photo: Jenny Svennås-Gillner); Rosario Garcia-Gil, Dept. of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology (photo: Andreas Palmén); Michael Bertram, Dept. of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies (photo: Steve Morton).
Professor professor Harry Blokhuis is awarded SLU's great medal for distinguished service for an extensive and internationally highly regarded work effort in the field of ethology, especially animal welfare. His research has been original, innovative and of high quality and covers several animal species. As coordinator of a number of large projects, he has contributed to the establishment of lasting international networks with researchers, decision-makers and other stakeholders in Europe and the rest of the world.
Associate Professor Rosario Garcia-Gilis is awarded the gold medal for distinguished service for successful applied research in the field of forest genetics. Her work combines genetic factors with an ecological sustainability perspective. She has established cooperation with other universities, companies and organisations, both within Sweden and abroad, which has led to significant external research funding as well as substantial dissemination of research results. Her efforts are characterised by great breadth and scientific innovation.
Researcher Michael Bertram is awarded the silver medal for distinguished service for successful research showing how human-induced environmental change impacts ecological and evolutionary processes in wild animal populations. Michael Bertram has made an unusually fast and impressively broad career just a few years after earning his doctorate. His research covers four of the six areas of the United Nations Agenda 2030.
A more comprehensive presentation of the medallists will appear on this page shortly.
More information
Sune Lindh, Academy Secretary
Vice-Chancellor's Office, SLU, +46 18-67 10 12,
Helena Pennlöv Smedberg, Deputy Academy Ceremony Steward
Vice-Chancellor's Office, SLU +46 18-67 15 42