The programme director of AgriFoSe2030, Sofia Boqvist, was invited as speaker at a seminar on global food systems. The seminar was hosted by Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) and Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI).
The food system is vitally important to our ability to attain the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. World hunger has been increasing for several years in a row, biodiversity is in crisis, shortages of fresh water are continuing, as is the depletion of the world’s soils, and the world’s natural resources are being consumed at an unsustainable rate. All forms of malnutrition lead to poorer health.
Drought, flooding, fires and other consequences of a changed climate already affects people’s opportunities to lead good lives. Making global food production and consumption more sustainable is one determining factor in tackling these challenges. - KSLA
The seminar emphasised the challenges of making science-based policy recommendations for a global food system. Jennifer Clapp, professor at University of Waterloo, Canada, vice chair at HLPE and scientific adviser at CFS held a presentation on the theme “Why and how science matters in the development of Global Food Policies?” followed by Dr Matilda Baraibar, Stockholm University, Assoc. Professor Sofia Boqvist, AgriFoSe2030, Dr Mairon Bastos, Stockholm Environment Institute and Dr Anna-Karin Norling, Swedish Development Agency.
Sofia Boqvist was invited to present the AgriFoSe2030 in general and some of the outcomes from the programme in particular.
Please follow this link to watch the recording.