
Call for abstracts to Agri4D 2023

Published: 14 March 2023

The digital Agri4D 2023 conference has now open the call for abstracts and concept notes. This year, the focus is on how we can build resilient food systems in uncertain times. You can submit your contributions until 8 May 2023.

Every two years, SLU Global and the Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative (SIANI) bring together researchers and practitioners dedicated to agriculture for development in the Agri4D conference. The main focus this year is on how we can build resilient food systems in uncertain times. 

The conference takes place 26-28 September. During these three days, two themes related to the main theme will be discussed. If your work relates to any of these themes, please submit your abstract before 8 May to have a chance of presenting your work.

Conference themes

Theme 1: Securing food and nutrition within planetary boundaries 

This theme aims to bring forward discussions relating to all stages of food systems and their outcomes, from ecosystems supporting production, to the producers, consumers, including value chain and market actors, linking farmers to consumers. 

Theme 2: Governance and rights in food systems: Leaving no one behind

In order to create sustainable and resilient food systems it is important to identify vulnerabilities and opportunities to prevent future risks and promote sustainable solutions. This theme emphasises topics that aim to answer ‘resilience for whom?’ within food systems. Marginalised groups in society are often impacted the most by food crises, but have unique opportunities for transforming those systems away from status quo. These groups vary across contexts but may include e.g. smallholder farmers, indigenous groups, marginalised genders, children and youth, etc.

For more information about the conference, the themes and how to submit abstracts, please visit the Agri4D 2023 website:

We look to forward to seeing you, digitally, in September!

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