
Research residency returns in September

Published: 12 April 2023
Image of Philipsonska gården in Strängnäs. Photo.

In September 2022, the four Future Platforms at SLU arranged a research residency for the first time. The feedback from that arrangement was so positive so the platforms decided to arrange another this year.

The research residency for this year will be arranged September 19-20th at Philipsonska garden in Strängnäs. Focus will be on transdisciplinary research on sustainability combined with forestry, food production, urban landscapes and one health.

– This is an investment that we do together between the platforms since we have seen the need amongst our researchers to offer various places to meet and discuss new collaborations between various research field and across the faculties. We hope that this will function as a opener for new research collaborations later on and also strengthen us internally in aspiration towards our vision – “One SLU”, says Susanna Sternberg Lewerin, program manager for SLU Future One Health

Apply June 22 by the latest

The purpose of this year’s research residency is to start inspiring discussion about inter- and transdisciplinary research and identify research collaborations In order to participate, you will have to be a researcher at SLU. There are a limited number of places and the last day to send in your applocation is June 22.

Researcher residency at Philipsonska gården

Useful discussions

One of the participants last year was Mari Jönsson, researcher at SLU Swedish Species Information Centre.

–Having the time to talk with other researchers from different disciplines, network, and build relationships is incredibly valuable. These opportunities are rare and it's great to have the time for creative thinking and discussion outside of your own research discipline. You do realize it takes some time to understand the language and methods used in other disciplines, but that this can also lead to novel and interesting interdisciplinary research questions, says Mari Jönsson.

Interdisciplinary in focus when researchers met in Ekenäs
