The academy stewards, Vice-Chancellor's Office
Academy Steward Helena Pennlöv +46 18-67 15 42
Administrative assistant Ida Hast +46 18-67 10 74
Each year, SLU awards three Medals for Distinguished Service. The first medals were awarded in 2010 following a decision taken by the SLU Board in April 2009. The recipients for 2023 are Professor Geoffrey Daniel, the Great Medal, Professor Lotta Berg, Gold Medal, and Jonas Hentati Sundberg, Silver Medal.
The Great Medal for Distinguished Service is awarded for research efforts deemed ‘remarkable from an international perspective’. The Gold Medal for Distinguished Service awards ‘exemplary, exceptional efforts of lasting value’, and the Silver Medal for Distinguished Service is awarded to a young, promising talent at SLU who is encouraged to continue in the same meritorious manner in the future, ‘preferably within the innovation and collaboration field’.
The research expertise of this year’s medal winners covers areas such as the properties of wood fibres, animal husbandry, animal preventive health and welfare, and marine ecology.
From the left: Geoffrey Daniel (photo: Jenny Svennås-Gillner); Lotta Berg (photo: Jenny Svennås-Gillner); Jonas Hentati Sundberg (photo: Jannete Hentati)
SLU's Great Medal for Distinguished Service awarded to Professor Emeritus Geoffrey Daniel. Geoffrey Daniel is Professor Emeritus of Wood Science, although he is still active at SLU as a senior advisor. Throughout his career, he was responsible for inspirational and internationally renowned efforts focusing on the structure of wood and pulp fibres at the nano scale. He made significant contributions to the establishment and operation of many large and successful collaborative projects and research centres. Geoffrey Daniel has collaborated closely with the business community, contributed to successful networks and ensured good long-term external research funding. His activities are characterised by a global commitment as a researcher and lecturer, which has contributed to strengthening SLU's name and reputation in several countries.
The Gold Medal for Distinguished Service awarded to Professor Lotta Berg. Lotta Berg is Professor of Animal Environment and Health. Her work in animal husbandry, preventive animal health and animal welfare is extensive and highly successful. In addition to her research and teaching work, she has developed and implemented initiatives that are of great importance to Swedish animal husbandry, with a focus on farm animals and farmed fish. Her successful efforts as a researcher and teacher have made her a sought-after member of several organisations and networks.
The Silver Medal for Distinguished Service awarded to Senior Lecturer Jonas Hentati Sundberg. Jonas Hentati Sundberg’s research focuses on both fish and seabirds, particularly how different species affect each other in marine ecosystems. Through his innovative thinking, he has made important efforts to incorporate modern technology into aquatic ecological research. In addition, he is deeply committed to education and knowledge transfer. By building bridges between academia, industry and public organisations, he promotes knowledge exchange, innovation potential and sustainable solutions.
The academy stewards, Vice-Chancellor's Office
Academy Steward Helena Pennlöv +46 18-67 15 42
Administrative assistant Ida Hast +46 18-67 10 74