SLU news

”Vid nästa pest får vi sota för biståndsbesluten”

Published: 22 September 2023
Pigs together

New debate article published about the outbreak of African Swine Fever in Sweden. The article is written by Erika Chenais (SVA), Klara Fischer och Susanna Sternberg Lewerin (SLU).

When researchers go to low-income countries, they don't just bring knowledge there. Equally important are the lessons they take home. That competence is invaluable when African swine fever is now ravaging Swedish forests. But in the face of the diseases and crises of the future, we experts can stand without answers, because of the government's aid policy, write Erika Chenais, Klara Fischer and Susanna Stenberg Lewerin, experts on the infection. - DN Debatt 21 September 2023. 

Read the full article here (Swedish). 
