
A Helping Gene for Healthier Plants

Published: 16 October 2024

Researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) have discovered a new gene that controls plants' sensitivity to threats like fungi and drought. By removing this gene, plants become more resilient, which could reduce the need for chemical treatments and enhance food security in drier, more variable climates. The gene, named Parakletos, meaning "helper," is linked to the plant’s immune and stress reactive system. It interacts with other proteins without performing any additional functions. This groundbreaking discovery was recently published in the highly regarded journal Nature Communications.

For several years, SLU researchers have been studying how to make potato plants more resistant to diseases like late blight. The technique involves using gene-editing tools, such as CRISPR, to remove susceptibility genes (s-genes), which make plants vulnerable to attacks. The team has now identified a new s-gene that governs the plant's sensitivity to threats such as fungi, bacteria, salt, and drought. Removing this gene strengthens the plant's defenses and reduces the need for chemical treatments. This method could also prepare crops for a future with more challenging climate conditions.

“We know this works in potatoes and tobacco, but we’re hopeful it could be applied to other crops as well,” says Erik Andreasson, professor and head of SLU's resistance biology unit. He is also the lead author of the recent paper in Nature Communications. Compared to the rest of European union, Sweden is ahead in doing reseach new genomic techniques, like gene editing, for plant protection.

Field trials have shown no negative consequences from gene removal, according to Andreasson, and it is unlikely that long-term issues will arise. However, since trials have only been conducted in one location and with one potato variety, further research is needed to confirm its broader effectiveness. The next step is expanding the project, named "Resilient Potato," which involves several agricultural organizations.

“It's exciting to be part of this research with great potential to improve crops,” says Desirée Börjesdotter, head of plant breeding at Lantmännen, a partner in the project.


S- and R-Genes

Potatoes are one of the world’s top three staple crops, but they are prone to diseases that often require chemical treatments. By removing specific susceptibility genes with gene-editing tools like CRISPR, researchers can reduce the plant’s vulnerability to diseases like late blight. Another approach is to introduce resistance genes, which help plants defend against various pathogens. Together, these methods could significantly improve crop resilience.

Gene Editing

Gene-editing technologies, such as CRISPR/Cas9, allow for targeted changes in a plant's DNA. These edits can involve swapping out base pairs in a gene or creating mutations to alter protein production, giving the plant new traits.

Cisgenic Organism

A genetically modified organism where the inserted DNA comes from the same or a cross-compatible species. For example, a potato modified with a gene from another potato.

GMO (Genetically Modified Organism)

A GMO is an organism whose genetic material has been altered in ways that do not occur naturally, such as through mating or crossbreeding. This process can add, remove, or modify DNA sequences to change the organism’s traits.