For more than 20 years, European forest inventories have collaborated under the ENFIN umbrella. The ENFIN network has now become a formal organisation, marking a milestone on the road to a common NFI infrastructure.
More than 30 European national forest inventories collaborate within the so-called ENFIN network. ENFIN, short for European National Forest Inventory Network, was founded in 2003.
In October of 2024, the network transitioned into a formal organisation headquartered at IGN, home of the French equivalent of the Swedish NFI Riksskogstaxeringen.
- The new organisation lays the foundation for a stronger, more integrated collaboration between European NFI's. This will benefit everyone interested in comparable forest statistics between countries, says Göran Ståhl, professor at the department of forest resource management at SLU.
Being a formal organisation enables ENFIN to work more efficiently towards harmonising European forest information. ENFIN will also be able to take on tasks from various EU departments. This in turn makes it possible to contribute more to European and international debate on forest issues.
Important weapon against climate change
National forest inventories, NFI, are an important mechanism for gathering data on European forests. In a future marked by accelerating climate change and forestry vs. preservation type goal conflicts, this will be more important than ever before.
During the fall, the new ENFIN organisation has held their first meetings. Says Göran Ståhl:
- There's great commitment among the members. Forest issues are becoming increasingly important in all EU countries and there's consensus regarding how forest statistics can be improved by increased collaboration.