
New policy brief on CCF

Published: 08 August 2024

It's important to understand the opportunities and challenges that come with continuous cover forestry. Recently a new policy brief about CCF was published by LUKE and Future Forests.

Continuous cover forestry, CCF, is one of the hottest topics in the professional as well as the academic world. Knowledge is key to better understand what opportunies and challenges CCF might bring. 

The Finnish Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) and Future Forests have recently published a policy brief about CCF. With it, we hope to close at least a few knowledge gaps and give decision makers and other stakeholders a glimpse of what the future may hold. Says LUKE in their press release:

- The many CCF-related knowledge gaps have to be remedied in order for us to give good advice to forest owners and other stakeholders, about when and where CCF may be a good solution.

Read the policy brief here