SLU news

New international students are welcomed to SLU

Published: 30 August 2024
Exchange students

Orientation week for new international students at SLU is currently underway. It's an opportunity for them to familiarise themselves with both Sweden and SLU. The excitement for the start of the semester is evident among those gathered at Ultuna in Uppsala.

-I have just arrived in Sweden, but so far, everything has been great. Even though it is a bit difficult with the language, since everything is in Swedish! says Charles Emmanuel Stonken with a laugh, and continues:

- I think I’ll like it here at SLU. The campus is nice, and I really like the proximity to nature. 

He is from Malawi and has come to SLU to pursue a Master's degree in Soil, Water, and Environmental Studies.

- I haven't decided yet what I want to do when I finish my studies. I'm thinking about doing research and maybe doing it here in Sweden, says Charles.

All international students who wish to participate are welcome to join SLU's Orientation programme. Throughout the week, they learn about studying and living in Sweden, how SLU operates, and how to navigate their respective student cities.

Among the students gathered at Ultuna in Uppsala today, along with Charles, is Jasmine Xue. She is from China and has come to SLU to study the Master's programme Animal Science.

- My hope is to one day be able to start my own business in smart agriculture and use new technology to develop and improve food production, says Jasmine Xue.

Like Charles, she has been new to Sweden for only a few days and has barely had time to settle into her dorm room.

- What I have seen of SLU and Uppsala has been great. Everyone has been welcoming and appreciates that it is so free and easy to get around here, says Jasmine Xue.