SLU news

Upcoming events with AgriFoSe2030

Published: 18 September 2024

AgriFoSe2030 will take part in two Swedish events during the autumn to emphasise and present some of the fantastic outcomes from the programme.

AgriFoSe2030 at the Gothenburg Book Fair 2024

Thursday 26 September – 13:00. -13:40 CEST

Selorm Kugbega from AgriFoSe2030 will represent the organization at the Gothenburg Book Fair 2024, participating in a panel discussion organized by SIANI and Sida on the green/environment stage on 26th September 2024. The event will include an exhibition of edible insects’ cookbooks and a video showcase. The panel aims to deepen understanding of innovative and sustainable solutions for food supply at both local and global levels, while also promoting synergies between local development, trade, and aid within Swedish development cooperation.


AgriFoSe2030 at DevRes 2024

Wednesday 23 October - 11:00-12:45 CEST

AgriFoSe2030 will be participating at DevRes2024 at Lund University. Heather Mackay from challenge 4 will be presenting on ‘How AgriFoSe2030 Achieved Research Impact Benefiting Smallholders’ at the impact story session where we will showcase how and in what way our research has contributed to societal impact linked to sustainable development in a least developed or middle–income country.

The session is meant to both exemplify the diversity that Swedish affiliated researchers and their international collaborators engage in as well as inspire constructive hope about the critical importance of this research field to contribute to reaching the SDGs.  


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Ng'endo Machua-Muniu

Communications Lead, C&E team
Stockholm Environment Institute
Telephone: +46 (0)70-316 80 30






 Selorm Kobla Kugbega, Dr

 Communications officer AgriFoSe2030
 SEI, Stockholm Environment Institue
 Phone: +46 (0)73- 27 04 306