SLU news

UN and SLU in new collaboration to develop food production and fight hunger

Published: 19 September 2024
FAO signing

On 18 September, a delegation from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) visited the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Uppsala. During the visit, an agreement was signed between FAO and the university to further strengthen the long-standing collaboration. SLU is the first university in Sweden with which FAO has signed a co-operation agreement.

- FAO as a global, multilateral policy actor, and SLU as a world-leading agricultural university have many issues in common. We both have important roles in solving the major challenges facing the world. As Vice-Chancellor, I am pleased and proud that the cooperation with FAO is being formalised, says Maria Knutson Wedel, Vice-Chancellor of SLU.

The purpose of the agreement is to contribute to transforming food systems and fighting hunger through the different roles of the parties. The agreement is signed by SLU's Vice-Chancellor Maria Knutson Wedel and FAO's Assistant Director-General Beth Bechdol. No other Swedish university has a similar agreement with FAO.

- The collaboration between SLU and FAO is deeply rooted, with a partnership that began in the 1950s to train veterinarians in India. Today, our collaboration is broadening into critical areas such as sustainable agriculture, natural resource management and animal disease prevention. Our society faces major global challenges, including climate change, antibiotic resistance and increased food security needs. Through this agreement, we can continue to develop more knowledge and new solutions that contribute to the 2030 Agenda, continued Maria Knutson Wedel.

On signing the MoU, FAO Deputy Director-General, Beth Bechdol highlighted that:

- Sweden is at the forefront of innovation and sustainability in agrifood systems, and through this agreement with SLU, we are reinforcing our partnership and mutual dedication to advancing this critical work at a global scale. Together, we are enhancing our capacity to develop and upscale science-based solutions that address the complex challenges being faced worldwide.

During the visit, a number of key areas were discussed with some of SLU's experts:

  • Animal health, including prevention and control of animal diseases, zoonoses and antimicrobial resistance.
  • Restoration of forests and landscapes.
  • Promotion of innovation in agri-food systems
  • Agroecology for the transformation of food systems

Examples of FAO and SLU collaboration 

The long-standing collaboration between FAO and SLU has already produced impactful initiatives, including SLU’s participation in FAO-led programmes such as the Global Soil Partnership and the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock. The renewed agreement will continue to support both institutions’ efforts to promote sustainable agricultural practices and target the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDGs 2, 3, and 9.

SLU researchers often contribute actively as authors to FAO publications. (PDF) In addition, FAO often cites SLU research in its reports. For example, in 2021, FAO reports made over 200 references to scientific papers published by SLU researchers. Source: SLU Library