SLU strengthens collaborations with France

Delegates from the French Embassy visited SLU in Uppsala in the beginning of February as part of their Swedish university tour. They will, during a couple of weeks, visit all Swedish universities and learn more about ongoing education and research.
Pro Vice-Chancellor Ylva Hillbur welcomed the French delegation together with representatives from SLU:s mobility team, SLU Global and researchers from the fields of plant production and animal production.
The French delegation, consisting of Yan Pautrat, Attaché for Academic and Scientific Cooperation, Victor Ducret, Officer for Scientific Cooperation, Louna Minns and Johanna Beckvid, Officers for Academic Mobility, visited SLU in Uppsala to learn more about what SLU does in terms of education and research, as well as to discuss opportunities to develop existing and future collaborations.
From left: Sara Gräslund, Head of SLU Global, and Victor Ducret, Officer for Scientific Cooperation at the French Embassy
The French delegation learned more about sustainable agriculture from three renowned researchers.
- Giulia Vico, Deptartment of Ecology
Plant ecology for sustainable agriculture - Sigrid Agenäs, Director of SustAinimal
Animal production for sustainable agriculture and the importance of transdisciplinary science - Georg Carlsson, Deptartment of Biosystems and Technology
Legumes in sustainable food systems
SLU has strong collaborations with French universities and institutes, both within education and research. Several SLU-students apply for exchange studies every year, and SLU has strong and fruitful exchange programmes with different universities in France.
The French Embassy works in multiple ways to promote students and researchers. The embassy hosts events for young researchers and alumnis as well as webinars for students to learn more about exchange studies.
Yan Pautrat, Attaché for Academic and Scientific Cooperation, and Victor Ducret, Officer for Scientific Cooperation, both at the French Embassy.
The delegation from the French Embassy will be visiting SLU in Umeå later on in February.