
Thesis defence - Julia Wahtra

Published: 14 March 2025
Julia Wahtra with her opponent Christophe Goeul after the thesis defence

On Friday 14 March 2025, Julia Wahtra had the defence for her thesis "Agriculture, Trade and Environmental Policy". Doctor Christophe Gouel from INRAE France was the opponent. Big congratulations!


Agriculture plays a pivotal role in shaping global land use, with nearly half of the world's habitable land dedicated to agricultural activities. While essential for meeting humanity's food needs, agriculture also exerts considerable pressure on local and global environments. Addressing these environmental externalities presents an urgent challenge for policymakers. This thesis comprises three papers that aim to inform policy by examining the sources behind agricultural pollution trends and exploring how shifting food preferences and different emissions policy strategies impact agricultural land use, emissions, trade flows, consumption patterns, and social welfare.


agriculture, local and global pollution, land use, strategic trade policy, environmental comparative advantage, emissions regulations, meat consumption

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