Film about the creation of the programme
"Röster om tillblivelsen - Landskapsarkitektprogrammet 50 år" is a short(er) film that had premiere on November 16, 2021.
Interviews in Swedish with Eivor Bucht, Görel Oscarsson, P-O Sporrong, Pär "Pinge" Gustafsson, Pär Söderblom and Mårten Carlsson about the creation of The Landscape Architecture Programme at SLU.
Subtitles will be available in English and Swedish shortly.
Also, watch two longer interviews at SLU Play (in Swedish):
Eivor Bucht, professor emerita in Landscape Architecture
P-O Sporrong, who taught Theoretical and Applied Aesthetics during 1965-1981
Matilda Alfengård
Lecturer at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management
SLU Landscape
SLU Landscape operates as a cross-institutional network for collaboration and joint profiling of work done in the landscape subject area at SLU. It is one of the largest environments for research and teaching in landscape architecture in Europe.