A digital Workshop on The practice of organizing digital work and references

Last changed: 28 September 2020
PhD forum workshop screenshot

During the SLU Landscape day September 16 2020, the PhD forum held a workshop where we engaged with the practical and concrete struggles related to reference handling and ways organizing literature.

As young researchers, the PhD forum have come to realize the value in engaging head on with practical obstacles, which inevitably occur in the everyday work of doing research. One such obstacle is the quest of navigating in the vast (digital) sea of knowledge and keeping track of research fields, journals and references. This becomes even more relevant in these days when working from home put our digital skills to the test.

Together with guest from the SLU library we discussed topics such as:

  • Embracing messiness or take time to get organized? Experiences and thoughts
  • How not to get too stuck in your computer in times of home office work.
  • Practical tips of keeping track of references and literature; software and techniques


SLU Landscape
SLU Landscape operates as a cross-institutional network for collaboration and joint profiling of work done in the landscape subject area at SLU. It is one of the largest environments for research and teaching in landscape architecture in Europe. 
