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Unit for Collaboration and Development

We aim for the LTV Faculty and SLU to act as motivational and inspirational partners who, together with the community, can make a difference to the development of sustainable life. The unit is tasked with developing and supporting internal and external collaborations to strengthen the quality and societal relevance of research, education and environmental monitoring at the LTV Faculty and SLU


Collaboration at SLU

Collaboration with the business sector, authorities and organisations is a natural part of the activities conducted at the Unit. It is an operation that is largely based on collaboration internally within SLU. Here are some examples of collaboration functions within SLU.

How we work with collaboration

Within the unit there are several different organisations: SLU Partnership Alnarp, Think Tank Movium, SLU Urban Futures, SSEC, Partnership Horticulture, Training for Professionals and other major collaborative projects.


Published: 06 October 2023 - Page editor: parvin.mazandarani@slu.se

Unit for Collaboration and Development, Box 190, 234 22 Lomma

Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5,  Alnarp

Head of unit: Håkan Schroeder, Hakan.Schroeder@slu.se

Our staff
