Research in the Biotron

Last changed: 09 July 2024

With a facility as the Biotron it is possible to carry out research experiment under controlled conditions. Hence it is possible to cultivate plants under equal conditions each time. This is a absolute condition for scientific research. This together with our growth units makes it possible to carry out qualified research on plants.

Below two different projects is shown as examples on research when the Biotron growth units has been used.

Sugar beet - Trial of quantitative properties in growth units under strict dynamic control of nutrient uptake and growth. Effects of pH, nutrient supply and other environmental conditions have been studied on sugar beet. Maximum growth capacity has been established as a base for quantitative determination of different types of growth limitations. Below follows the report (in Swedish)

5.1 Sammanfattning och kommentarer 5.6 Olika sorter
5.2 Optimala betingelser 5.7 Näringsberikad jord
5.3 Effekter av varierande temperatur 5.8 Olika typer av näring i jord
5.4 Regeneringskapacitet 5.9 Halm och kompost
5.5 Effekter av fröstorlek  


Potato - Introductory studies of controlled supply of nutrient elements in optimal proportions. The studies was carried out using the growth units in the Biotron.

Below is a list over some of the plant species grown and studied under strictly controlled supply of nutrient elements:

Alfalfa Apple tree Barley Beech Birch
Cabbage Carrot Lettuce Oats Oilseed rape
Rice Tomato Wheat    


Four phases from basic research to establish quantitative properties of plants to field experiments.

Document - A couple of publications.


Alexandra Nikolic, production manager at the Cultivation Unit, +46 40-415077, +46 709-655027.

Ann Dahl, research engineer, phone: +46 40-41 52 05

Ramesh Vetukuri, operational development, phone: +46 73-9262363