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Theme groups

The eight theme groups are meeting places for everyone interested in field research questions within the area of responsibility of the specific theme group. The aims are to identify research areas where new or more information is needed, to initiate research applications, and to work with dissemination of information and results from field experimental research.

Water Management

Water management in agricultural systems is important for sustainable crop production. The focus of the water management theme group is on water quality issues and agricultural water management.

Soil Management

Soil structure governs a wide range of soil functions and processes. The soil management theme group works with research questions regarding soil compaction, soil structure and crop establishment.

Plant Nutrition

Plant nutrients are vital for growth and development of crops. To obtain more sustainable cropping systems, it is important to understand the processes controlling plant nutrition and soil fertility. The plant nutrition theme group focuses on research and development within these subjects.

Cropping Systems

The design of cropping systems influences the production and quality of crops, but also the environmental impact and resource consumption. The focus in the cropping systems theme group is on interactions between crops, the environment and cropping practices.

Weed Control

Weeds can cause substantial reductions in the quantity and quality of crop yields. Therefore it is important to find sustainable weed control methods. The weed control theme group works with research questions regarding weed biology and weed control.

Forage Crops

Forage crops are mainly used in milk and meat production systems. How to improve crop production systems, conservation techniques, feeding strategies and evaluation of forages for milk and meat production are important questions addressed by the forage crops theme group.

Cultivation Materials

To choose suitable crop varieties, farmers need information on the performance of different crop varieties under different conditions. In Sweden, an official variety testing programme is run at SLU. The cultivation materials theme group is closely connected with the testing programme and works with research questions regarding varieties, cultivation techniques, and variety testing.

Plant Protection

Plant pathogens can cause substantial reductions in the quantity and quality of crop yields. Therefore it is important to find sustainable control methods. The plant protection theme group works with research questions regarding plant protection.

Barley infected with Net Blotch
Published: 09 July 2024 - Page editor: Anneli.Lundkvist@slu.se