Faculty of Forest Sciences
The Faculty of Forest Sciences occupies a unique position. No other Swedish university conducts research and offers educational courses in forestry at the same level. The faculty also holds a strong position internationally, with by far the largest number of publications within the field of forestry.

Faculty Management
Göran Ericsson, Dean
Tel: +4690-786 85 08
Pernilla Christensen, Deputy Dean
Tel: +4690-786 85 27
Per Olofsson, Head of Faculty Administration
Tel: +4690-786 82 92
Service Center Campus Umeå
Visiting address: Skogmarksgränd
inside the entrance on 3 floor
Opening hours: Mon–Thu 8–16, Fri 8–15
Bachelor's programme given in English
Published: 11 November 2024 - Page editor: mw-red@slu.se