Contact at the Swedish Livestock Research Center
Mats Pehrsson, Head of the Swedish Livestock Research Centre, SLU, +46 (0)18-67 19 05
In proximity to the Swedish Livestock Research Centre is a biogas facility, and a slaughterhouse where all the animals are slaughtered.
The Swedish Livestock Research Centre is designed to be energy effective and utilize sustainable materials.
At the biogas facility next to the animal housing manure, feed waste and plant material will be fermented for bioenergy production and used within the research center. A biofuel plant exists, close to the new animal housing and burns locally produced straw, wood-chips and grain.
The biogas will be used for heating and to generate electricity for the animal facilities.
A slaughterhouse (Lövsta slakteri) is located 2 km from the animal facility. The animals produced will be slaughtered here to minimize animal transport. Waste from the slaughterhouse will be used at the Uppsala Council biogas plant. All waste water will be processed in a biological system. Cleaned water will ultimately be fed into the Funbo river.
The facility will be run by a private company, which will take in animals from the surrounding area.
Mats Pehrsson, Head of the Swedish Livestock Research Centre, SLU, +46 (0)18-67 19 05