Mats Pehrsson, Head of the Swedish Livestock Research Centre, SLU, +46 (0)18-67 19 05
Already by the middle of the 18th century, plant science experiments were carried out in the area around the Research Centre at SLU Lövsta. The experiments were an important stepping stone to the research carried out by SLU today. SLU has had a research facility near Lövsta called Bläckhornet, which like the cattle facility at Kungsängen were built in 1974 and were phased out when the new animal facility at Lövsta was completed in 2011.
Linnés friend and colleague Sten Carl Bielke had established substantial plant science experiments at Lövsta by the middle of the 18th century. The experiments were an important stepping stone to the research carried out by SLU today. The site was regularly visited by Linné during his excursions. Read about Funbo Lövsta's history from the 18th century until now at Lövsta en plats för lantbruksforskning i 270 år (only in swedish).
During the 19th century Claes Cederström modernized agriculture at Funbo Lövsta. The farm expanded capacity to 110 dairy cows and 100 followers. The pasture lands were replaced here, like in many places, with arable land. The modernization process also changed the buildings; the mansion, Lövsta herrgård, was altered to its current appearance.
The current appearance of the mansion at Funbo Lövsta. Photo: Jan Petersson
SLU has had a research facility near Lövsta called Bläckhornet, which like the cattle facility at Kungsängen were built in 1974 and were phased out when the new animal housing for the Swedish livestock research centre at Funbo Lövsta was completed in autumn of 2011.
View over the Swedish livestock reserch centre at Funbo Lövsta. Photo: Pereric Öberg, Aerobilder
Mats Pehrsson, Head of the Swedish Livestock Research Centre, SLU, +46 (0)18-67 19 05