Hennovation - networks that support innovation and knowledge exchange within the laying hen sector

Last changed: 13 September 2023

Hennovation was an EU funded project that aimed to find innovations (new, good solutions to problems) within the laying hen sector.

Hennovation group
Photo: Jørgen Nyberg Larsen

Producers and other actors in the industry formed groups that meet together with a facilitator that had as its task to support the groups. These so-celled networks focused on innovative solutions related to feather pecking and management of end-of lay hens. The networks met around every second month during one year. At the meetings the groups invited and exchanged knowledge with different experts such as veterinarians, researchers, feed experts, breeders, geneticists etc. The network discussed problems with each other and with the experts to find innovative solutions. In addition, ideas for solutions and related information were shared with other producers, also in other countries. Information exchange and discussions between persons that have the practical knowledge increase possibilities to find relevant, practical and economically feasible solutions to common problems. Another important aim was to improve the exchange of knowledge and information between practice driven actors and science driven actors. The countries participating in Hennovation were Sweden, England, The Czech Republic, The Netherlands and Spain.

Project leader: Harry Blokhuis

Here you can see a video about the project (youtube, 7 minutes).