The project is funded by: varies
Duration of the project: 1980-
Project Leader: Nils Lundeheim
Data from Swedish nucleus and commercial piglet producing herds is an important source for MSc-projects, as well as for PhD-projects.
Data from nucleus herds has been provided by the breeding company Nordic Genetics, and data from piglet producing herds (extracted from WinPig herd monitoring software) has been provided by Gård&Djurhälsan (after agreement with resp. herd owner).
The project is funded by: varies
Duration of the project: 1980-
Project Leader: Nils Lundeheim
Canario L, Lundeheim N , Bijma P. 2017. The early-life environment of a pig shapes the phenotypes of its social partners in adulthood. Heredity 118 (6), ss. 534-541.
Le, Hong Thu; Nilsson, K.; Norberg, E.; Lundeheim, N. (2015). Genetic association between leg conformation in young pigs and sow reproduction. Livestock Science 178 ss.9-17.
Felleki, M.; Lundeheim , N. 2015. Genetic heteroscedasticity of teat count in pigs . Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetic 132 (5), ss.392-398.
Lundeheim, N.; Lundgren, H.; Rydhmer, L. 2014. Shoulder ulcers in sows are genetically correlated to leanness of young pigs and to litter weight . Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Science 64 (1), ss.67-72.
Lundeheim, N.; Chalkias, H.; Rydhmer, L. 2013. Genetic analysis of teat number and litter traits in pigs. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Science 63 (3), ss.121-125.