Improved management of pigs kept by small holder farmers in Laos

Last changed: 20 March 2017
Moo Lath pig from Laos. Photo.

More knowledge and better feeding routines may result in lower mortality in piglets and higher growth rates.

Project manager: Anna Jansson

PhD student: Ammaly Phengvilaysouk

Pig production is a very important livelihood activity of smallholder farmers in Laos and over 80% of the pigs are produced by smallholders. Smallholder farmers raise almost exclusively local breeds and the pigs are predominantly raised in extensive low input systems that take advantage of naturally occurring feed. Major local feed sources include cassava, maize, rice bran, other tuber crop and green feeds. These feed source are all in high energy, but low in crude protein content and some minerals. Farmers have little knowledge of the nutrient and water requirements of pigs. These feeding practices result high mortality of piglets and low growth rates.  The aim of the project is to improve feeding and management routines performed by smallholder pig farmers.



Anna Jansson
Professor at the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry (AFB); Division of Anatomy and Physiology 

Telephone: 018-672106