Good animal welfare - gains for animals, farmers and society

Last changed: 14 January 2020

Can good animal husbandry and high levels of animal welfare be profitable, and for whom? The aim of this project is to assess costs and benefits associated with good animal welfare within beef production, both at farm and societal level.

The strict, and unique, Swedish farm animal welfare legislation is currently under challenge, with the claim that it is costly and does not provide enough competitive advantage for Swedish farmers. These claims are not evidence based, because research in this area is lacking. The few studies available have significant shortcomings because they do not take the benefits of good animal welfare into account. In this multidisciplinary project, focusing on beef producing herds, we will:
1) study the economic impact of different animal welfare improving practices at the farm level. This is done both by economic models, supplemented by in-depth interviews with farmers, and by using balance sheets from actual farms combined with information of the herds' welfare situation.
2) assess how and which societal factors that influence, or are influenced by, different animal welfare levels and explore ethical challenges in transformation of ethical values to monetary terms and risks related to an increased use of antibiotics as a consequence of lower animal welfare standards. The results from this project will provide important information for consumers, the industry and policymakers, and thus enable evidence based decisions regarding the future of animal husbandry.


Projekttid: 2018-11-01 - 2020-10-31

Financiär: Formas


Department of Clinical Sciences

Department of Economics

Department of Animal Environment and Health


Ulf Emanuelson, Researcher
Department of Clinical Sciences, SLU, +46(0)18-67 18 26