Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare, Idisslarskötsel
The aim is to improve milking technology and milking routines to ensure that the udder is emptied as well as possible with good udder health and animal welfare.
Our department has a long tradition in research on milking with the aim to improve milking technology and milking routines to ensure that the udder is emptied as well as possible with good udder health and animal welfare. The milking routines also need to be adjusted to the work environment for staff.
In our research herd at Swedish Livestock Research Centre the cows are mainly milked in automatic milking systems, either a single robot or an automated rotary. The advanced technology in these systems adjust the milking to milk yield and milk flow from each individual udder quarter. Our research includes factors like milking frequency and omitted or incomplete milking as well as details in the settings for the automatic milking. These projects are almost always carried out in close collaboration with companies and due to the possibility to develop new products on-going projects cannot be presented in detail on the web.