Animal welfare in modern production systems for fish - Publications
Last changed: 02 October 2024
FRESH (Fish REaring and Stress Hazards) is a Formas funded interdisciplinary project aiming at improving fish welfare in commercial fish production systems.
Here you can find publications and other material from the project. Click each heading to see the content.
Scientific articles
- Brijs, J., Føre, M. Gräns, A., Clark, T.D., Axelsson, M. and Johansen, J.L., 2021. Bio-sensing technologies in aquaculture: how remote monitoring can bring us closer to our farm animals. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2020.0218.
- Morgenroth, D., McArley, T., Gräns, A., Axelsson, M., Sandblom E. and Ekström, A., 2021. Coronary blood flow influences tolerance to environmental extremes in fish. J. Exp. Biol. 224(8), 1-11.
- Føre, M., Svendsen, E., Økland, F., Gräns, A., Alfredsen, J.A., Finstad, B., Hedger, R.D. & Uglem, I., 2021. Heart rate and swimming activity as indicators of post-surgical recovery time of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Animal Biotelemetry 2021, 9:3.
- Hjelmstedt, P., Brijs, J., Berg, C., Axelsson, M., Sandblom, E., Roques, J.A.C., Sundh, H., Sundell, K., Kiessling, A., Gräns, A., 2021. Continuous physiological welfare evaluation of European whitefish (Coregonus laveretus) during common aquaculture practices leading up to slaughter. Aquaculture, Vol 534, 736258.
- Brijs, J., Sundell, E., Hjelmstedt, P., Berg, C., Sencic, E., Axelsson, M., Lines, J., Bouwsema, J., Ellis, M., Saxer, A., och Gräns, A., 2021. Humane slaughter of African sharptooth catfish (Clarias gariepinus): Effects of various stunning methods on brain function. Aquaculture 532 (2021) 735887,
- Jennifer Bowman, Nicole van Nuland, Per Hjelmstedt, Charlotte Berg, Albin Gräns. Evaluation of the reliability of indicators of consciousness during CO2 stunning of rainbow trout and the effects of temperature. Aquaculture research. 2020. DOI: 10.1111/are.14857.
- McArley, T.J., Sandblom, E. and Herbert, N.A., 2020. Fish and hyperoxia -From cardiorespiratory and biochemical adjustments to aquaculture and ecophysiology implications. Fish and Fisheries, 00:1–32.
- Brijs, J., Axelsson, M., Rosengren, M., Jutfelt, F., Gräns, A., 2020. Extreme blood-boosting capacity of an Antarctic fish represents an adaptation to life in a sub-zero environment. Journal of Experimental Biology 2020 223: jeb218164 doi: 10.1242/jeb.218164.
- Brijs, J., Hjelmstedt, P., Berg, C., Johansen, I., Sundh, H., Roques, J., Ekström, A., Sandblom, E., Sundell, K., Olsson, C., Axelsson, A., Gräns, A., 2020. Prevalence and severity of cardiac abnormalities and arteriosclerosis in farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture 526 (2020) 735417.
- Morgenroth, D., Ekström, A., Hjelmstedt, P., Gräns, A., Axelsson, M. and Sandblom, E., 2019. Hemodynamic responses to warming in euryhaline rainbow trout: implications of the osmo-respiratory compromise. J. Exp. Biol. 222(17): 1-9.
- Ekström, A., Gräns, A. and Sandblom, E., 2019. Can´t beat the heat? Importance of cardiac control and coronary perfusion for heat tolerance in rainbow trout. J. Comp. Physiol. B. 189:757–769.
- Brijs, J., Sandblom, E., Rosengren, M., Sundell, K., Berg, C., Axelsson, M., Gräns, A., 2019. Prospects and pitfalls of using heart rate bio-loggers to assess the welfare of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in aquaculture. Aquaculture 509:188-197.
- Brijs, J., Sandblom, E., Axelsson, M., Sundell, K., Sundh, H., Kiessling, A., Berg, C., Gräns, A., 2019. Remote physiological monitoring provides unique insights on the cardiovascular performance and stress responses of freely swimming rainbow trout in aquaculture. Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 9090 (2019).
- Sundell, E., Morgenroth, D., Brijs, J., Ekström, A., Gräns, A. and Sandblom, E., 2018. Seawater acclimation affects cardiac output and adrenergic control of blood pressure in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) -implications for salinity variations now and in the future. Cons. Physiol. 6(1).
- Brijs, J., Sandblom, E., Axelsson, M., Sundell, K., Sundh, H., Huyben, D., Broström, R., Kiessling, A., Berg, C., Gränsa, A, 2018. The final countdown: Continuous physiological welfare evaluation of farmed fish during common aquaculture practices before and during harvest, Aquaculture, volume 495, 1 October 2018, Pages 903-911.
- Brijs, J., Gräns, A., Hjelmstedt, P., Sandblom, E., van Nuland, N., Berg, C., Axelsson, M., 2018. In vivo aerobic metabolism of the rainbow trout gut and the effects of an acute temperature increase and stress event.Journal of Experimental Biology, 221, doi 10.1242/jeb.180703.
- Henrik Sundh, H., Gräns, A., Brijs, J., Sandblom, E., Axelsson, M., Berg, C,, & Sundell, K., 2018. Effects of coeliacomesenteric blood flow reduction on intestinal barrier function in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Journal of Fish Biology, 93: 519 -527.
- Nyman A., Huyben D., Lundh T. and Dicksved J. 2017. Effects of microbial and mussel diets on the gut microbiota in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) Aquaculture reports 5: 34-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.aqrep.2016.12.003.
- Huyben, D., Vidakovic, A., Langeland, M., Nyman, A., Lundh, T. and Kiessling, A. 2017. Effects of dietary yeast inclusion and acute stress on post-prandial plasma free amino acid profiles of dorsal aorta-cannulated rainbow trout. Aquaculture nutrition 10.1111/anu.12551.
- Huyben D., Nyman A., Vidakovic A., Dicksved J., Passoth V., Moccia R., Kiessling A and Lundh T. 2017. Effects of feeding yeasts, Saccharomyces cerevisae and Wickerhamomyces anomalus, on gut microbiota in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture, volume 473, Pages 528-537.
- Brijs, J., Sandblom, E., Sundh, H., Gräns, A., Hinchcliffe, J., Ekström, A., Sundell, K., Olsson, C., Axelsson, M., Pichaud, N., 2017. Increased mitochondrial coupling and anaerobic capacity minimizes aerobic costs of trout in the sea. Sci. Rep. 7, 45778; doi: 10.1038/srep45778 (2017).
- Huyben, D., Vidakovic, A., Nyman, A., Langeland, M., Lundh, T., Kiessling, A., 2016. Effects of dietary yeast inclusion and acute stress on postprandial whole blood profiles of dorsal aorta-cannulated rainbow trout. Fish Physiol Biochem (2016). doi:10.1007/s10695-016-0297-0.
- Vidakovic, A., Langeland, M., Sundh, H., Sundell, K., Olstorpe, M., Vielma, J., Kiessling, A., Lundh, T., 2015. Evaluation of growth performance and intestinal barrier function in Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus) fed yeast (Saccaromyces cerevisiae), fungi (Rhizopus oryzae) and blue mussel (Mytilus edulis). Aquaculture Nutrition 2015: doi: 10.1111/anu.12344.
- Gräns, A, Niklasson, L., Sandblom, E., Sundell, K., Algers, B., Berg, C., Lundh, T., Axelsson, M, Sundh, H., Kiessling, A. 2014. Stunning fish with CO2 or electricity: contradictory results on 1 behavioural and physiological stress responses. Animal, doi:10.1017/S1751731115000750, 8pp.
- Huyben, D., 2017. Effects of feeding yeasts on blood physiology and gut microbiota of rainbow trout. PhD theses, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science; SLU Uppsala. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae 2017:69, ISBN 978-91-7760-028-2 (print version) eISBN 978-91-7760-029-9 (electronic version).
- Nyman, A., 2016. Single Cell Protein in Fish Feed: Effects on Gut Microbiota. Licentiate Thesis, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science; SLU Uppsala. ISSN 0347-9838 ISBN (print version) 978-91-576-9425-6ISBN (electronic version) 978-91-576-9426-3.
- Vidaković , A., 2015. Fungal and Mussel Protein Sources in Fish Feed: Nutritional and Physiological aspects. Doctoral/PhD Thesis, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae 2015:90; SLU Uppsala. ISSN 1652-6880, ISBN (print version) 978-91-576-8378-6, ISBN (electronic version) 978-91-576-8379-3.
Books and book chapters
- Sandblom, E., Gräns, A., 2017. Form, function and control of the vasculature. In: Fish Physiology, Volume 36A, The cardiovascular system: morphology, control and function. Eds: Gamperl, K., Gillis, T.E., Farrell, A.P., Brauner, C.J.,; Sections editors: Farrell, A.P., Brauner, C.J.. Elsevier, Academic Press, Cambridge, USA ISBN 978-0-12-804163-5. Pp 369-433.
Congress abstract
- Brijs, J., Sandblom, E., Axelsson, M., Sundell, K., Sundh, H., Huyben, A., Kiessling, A., Berg, C., Gräns, A., 2018. Continuous physiological monitoring of fish welfare during sea cages rearing and the journey to slaughter. Abstract LT04.05, Proceedings of the 3rd aquaculture conference, Sept 25-28 2018. Qingdao, China.
- Hjelmstedt, P., Brijs, J., Sandblom, E., Sundh, H., Berg, C., Kiessling, A., Sundell, K., Axelsson, K., Gräns, A., 2018. Heart rate loggers as a tool to identify and quantify detrimental stressors in aquaculture. Abstract P05.10, Proceedings of the 3rd aquaculture conference, Sept 25-28 2018. Qingdao, China.
- Gräns, A., Brijs, J., Sandblom, E., Axelsson, M., Sundell, K., Sundh, H., Huyben, D., Algers, B., Kiessling, A., Berg, C., 2018. The FRESH project: Animal welfare in modern production systems for fish. Abstract P04.06, Proceedings of the 3rd aquaculture conference, Sept 25-28 2018. Qingdao, China.
- Huyben, D., Sun, Li, Kiessling, A., Dicksved, J., Lundh, T. 2017. Water temperature and feeding live yeast impacts growth and gut microbiota of rainbow trout. Fish Microbiota Workshop, Trondheim, Norway. 19-21 June 2017.
- Huyben, D., Sundh, H., Vidakovic, A., Kiessling, A., Dicksved, J., Lundh, T. 2017. Feeding live yeast and water temperature impacts blood and gut physiology of rainbow trout. Aquaculture Europe Conference 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Berg, C., Gräns, A., Algers, B. and Sandblom, E., 2017. Welfare implications of stunning fish with CO2 exposure alone and in combination with hyperoxia or hypothermia. Universities Federation for Animal Welfare and Humane Slaughter Association. Joint Meeting on "Welfare impacts of controlled atmosphere methods for stunning or killing animals", June 29th-30th 2017, Southern England, UK.
- Gräns, A., Brijs, J., Sandblom, E., Huyben, D., Sundh, H., Berg, C., Kiessling, A., Axelsson, M., 2017. How can we assess stress and welfare of fish in aquaculture? Proc. CEAWS Animal Welfare Science Symposium 2017, Uppsala, Sweden, p 16.
- Sandblom, E. Stunning of arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) with carbon dioxide and electric field exposure: Physiological insights on mechanisms of lethality and welfare implications. World Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture 2016, Session: PHYSIOLOGICAL INSIGHTS TOWARDS IMPROVING FISH CULTURE IV, Las Vegas, USA, 20160223.
- Sundh, H., Gräns, A., Brijs, J., Sandblom, E., Axelsson, M., Lundh, T., Kiessling, A., Algers, B., Berg, C., Sundell, K.S., 2016. Physiological Mechanisms behind stress induced intestinal primary barrier dysfunction in Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. World Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture 2016, Las Vegas, USA.
- Gräns, A., Sandblom, E., Sundh,H., Berg, C., Sundell, K., Axelsson, M., 2016. Biotelemetry as a tool to improve fish welfare in aquaculture.World Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture 2016, Las Vegas, USA.
- Kiessling A., Huyben, D., Vidakovic A., Langeland, M., Nyman, A., Nhi Nguyen Huu Yen, Sorphea Sen, Thi Da Chau, Ken Cheng, Lundh T., 2016. Alternative protein sources for fish, not competing with the human food demand evaluated by traditional and novel approaches. International Symposium on fish nutrition and feeding, June 5-10 2016, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA.
- Dicksved, J., Huyben, D., Nyman, A., Vidakovic, A., Langeland, M., Kiessling, A., Lundh T., 2016. Microbes as feed components influence the intestinal microbiome in fish. 10th INRA-Rowett symposium on gut microbiology. Clermont-Ferrand, France, 20.06.2016 - 24.06.2016.
- Huyben D, Nyman A, Vidakovic A, Passoth V, Kiessling A, Dicksved J and Lundh T, 2016. Effects of feeding yeasts, saccharomyces cerevisiae and Wickerhamomyces anomalus, on gut microbiota of Rainbow Trout. Aquaculture Europe conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept 20-23.
- H. Sundh, A. Vidakovic, D. Huyben, A. Nyman, J. Vielma, V. Passoth, T. Lundh, A. Kiessling and K. Sundell, 2016. Performance and intestinal health of salmonids fed single-cell protein based diets. Aquaculture Europe conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept 20-23.
- H. Sundh, J. Kolarevic, T.O. Nilsen, S.M. Jørgensen, C.R. Karlsen, B.F. Terjesen, H. Takle and K. Sundell, 2016. The impact of stress on the barrier function of the skin in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) reared in closed containment systems. Aquaculture Europe conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept 20-23.
- Gräns, A., Sandblom, E., Axelsson, M., 2015. Fish liberation - 3R methods in fish physiology. Proceedings SEB (Society for Experimental Biology), Prague 2015.
- Vidakovic A., Huyben D., Nyman A., Kiessling A., Lundh T., 2015. Evaluation of growth performances, nutrient retention and apparent in rainbow trout (Onchorynchus mykiss) fed graded levels of yeast Sacharomyces cervevisiae and Wickerhamomyces anomalus. Aquaculture Europe 2015, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Huyben D., Vidakovic A., Nyman A., Langeland M., Lundh T. and Kiessling A., 2015. Post-prandial changes of unstressed and stressed dorsal aorta cannulated rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed yeasts. Aquaculture Europe 2015, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Huyben, D., Vidakovic, A., Olstorpe, M., Kiessling, A., Lundh T., Moccia, R. 2014. Welfare and food safety aspects of feeding yeasts to salmonids as a sustainable protein source. Aquaculture Association of Canada, St. Andrews, Canada. 1-4 June 2014.
- Gräns, A., Niklasson, L., Sundell, K., Sandblom, E., Kiessling, A., 2014. Seemingly contradictory results regarding the welfare of fish stunned using different methods. Abstract ICBF (International Congress on the Biology of Fish, Edinburgh, August 3rd-7th 2014, p).
- Sandblom, E., Gräns, A., Algers, B., Berg, C., Lundh, T., Axelsson, M., Niklasson, L., Djordjevic, B., Sundh, H., Seth, H., Sundell, K., Lines, J.A., Kiessling, A., 2014. Stress physiology and welfare of fish in aquaculture. Abstract WAFL (6th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2014, p 77.
Reports and popular articles
- Final report Fresh1 project - scientific report in English.
- Vidakovic, A., Fungi and mussels in diets for fish. LEARN Newsletter No 15, Oct 2015.
- Algers B., Axelsson M., Berg L. Gräns A. Kiessling A. Lundh T. Sandblom E. Sundell K. and Sundh H., 2014 FRESH – Fish REaring and Stress Hazards. LEARN Newsletter No 9.