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The Award for Outstanding Research in Veterinary Medicine

The award celebrates exceptional scientific research that has contributed to improving the welfare of companion animals, horses, or livestock in the Nordic countries. Research on preventive measures is particularly welcome.

Maria Knutson Wedel with a puppy in her arms

The Award for Outstanding Research in Veterinary Medicine is an annual prize, first presented in 2025. It is awarded for exceptional research contributions to veterinary medicine, conducted in the Nordic countries.

Veterinary medical research refers to basic and applied research in the veterinary sciences including preclinical, paraclinical and clinical scientific subjects, particularly those related to animal health and welfare that have had a positive impact in the field.

The first award will be presented in November 2025 as part of the celebrations marking 250 years of veterinary medicine in Sweden. The winner will receive a certificate and SEK 1 000 000, which can be used at the winner’s discretion.

The nomination period is now open! The last day to nominate is February 25, 2025.

See detailed information about the nomination process in the sections further down.

"We share our lives and the environment with animals. Every fourth household has a pet, and farm animals continue to mean a lot in our modern society. Veterinary medicine today stands for innovation, breadth and depth, and is important for the sake of animals but also for humans. With the prize, which is financed by Agria and which will pay particular attention to preventive efforts, we hope to inspire continued scientific development throughout the Nordic countries"

- Maria Knutson Wedel, Vice-Chancellor at SLU (Photo: Jenny Svennås Gillner)

About the award

The Award for Outstanding Research in Veterinary Medicine will be presented annually, starting 2025. It is awarded for exceptional contributions to veterinary science in Sweden or other Nordic country.

These efforts involve forward-thinking scientific research that has contributed to improving the welfare of companion animals, horses or livestock in the Nordic countries. They may involve research breakthroughs or lifeworks that have had a major impact on animal health or welfare and been of benefit to many animals. Research into preventive measures is particularly welcome.

The winner of the Award for Outstanding Research in Veterinary Medicine may be an individual or group. They are chosen by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences following proposals from the award committee, comprising representatives from and appointed by the Nordic veterinary science universities.

SLU will arrange an international award symposium on the theme of the year's award.

The award is funded by Agria Pet Insurance.


The Award for Outstanding Research in Veterinary Medicine is awarded for exceptional research contributions to veterinary medicine, conducted in the Nordic countries. Veterinary medical research refers to basic and applied research in the veterinary sciences including preclinical, paraclinical and clinical scientific subjects, particularly those related to animal health and welfare that have had a positive impact in the field.

These efforts involve forward-thinking scientific research that has contributed to improving the welfare of companion animals, horses or livestock in the Nordic countries. They may involve research breakthroughs or lifetime achievements that have had a major impact on animal health or welfare and benefitted many animals. Research on disease prevention is particularly welcome.

Upon request, the nominee must be able to certify that no unnecessary research on live animals was performed in their research efforts. Any necessary animal studies must have complied with the relevant regulations and legislation. 

The winner of the Award for Outstanding Research in Veterinary Medicine may be an individual or group, up to three individuals.

Anybody can nominate candidates for the award, however each nomination must be endorsed by a head of department or equivalent. Also, candidates must be informed of their nomination and consent to it.

Process of nomination

The nomination period for the 2025 award is open. The last day to nominate is February 25, 2025.

Anybody can nominate candidates for the award, however each nomination must be endorsed by a head of department or equivalent, and candidates must be informed of their nomination and consent to it (see criteria). They must also be prepared to accept the award in person on 26 November 2025 in Uppsala, Sweden.

If you are nominating an individual researcher please use the nomination form. and send it in through ReachMee.

You can nominate a group (up to three individuals) for one collective research effort. If so, you will need to submit the details of the nominee(s) separately. Download and complete the form for each candidate and email the nominations as PDFs to vetmedaward@slu.se. The same applies if you would like to submit multiple nominations. You will only be able to submit one nomination through ReachMee. Any subsequent nominations must be emailed to vetmedaward@slu.se. If you have any issues with the form, please contact us, and we will email you the form in Word format.

An international award committee, appointed by each Nordic university that offers research and education in veterinary medicine, will oversee the decision-making process. The committee will enlist subject specialists to review the nominations.

The recipient of the award is decided annually in August by the Vice-Chancellor of SLU, following a recommendation from the designated award committee. 

Nomination form


Frequently asked questions

Is Agria Pet Insurance involved in the nomination and decision-making processes?

No, Agria Pet Insurance is not involved in the nomination and decision-making process. The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences is responsible for all processing and management of the award.

Can the award be shared?

The Award for Outstanding Research in Veterinary Medicine can be shared between up to three people.

Can the award be given posthumously?

No, the award cannot be given posthumously.

Who decides the winner of the Award for Outstanding Research in Veterinary Medicine?

The decision is taken by the Vice-Chancellor of SLU, following a recommendation from the designated award committee.

How can I be nominated for the Award for Outstanding Research in Veterinary Medicine?

You can either nominate yourself, or somebody else can nominate you, by the nomination form.

Award committee


Nils Fall, Professor of Veterinary Epidemiology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)


Ann Lindberg, Director General at the Swedish Veterinary Agency

Ane Nødtvedt, Professor of Epidemiology at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)

Annemarie Thuri Kristensen, Professor in Companion Animal Clinical Oncology at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

Tomi Taira, Professor at the University of Helsinki (HU)

Deputy members

Lotta Berg, Professor of Animal Environment and Health at SLU

Arild Espenes, Professor of Pathology at NMBU

Birgit Nørrung, Head of Dept of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at UCPH

Anna Mykkänen, Professor Equine and Small Animal Medicine at HU

Award coordinator

Åsa Formo, Fundraiser, SLU


Published: 30 January 2025 - Page editor: vetmedaward@slu.se