Our activities

Last changed: 23 April 2024

Our activities include seminars, workshops and field trips that aim to enrich our students knowledge and promote networking with other researchers, society and industry.

We have joint activities with other research schools both at SLU as other universities. Click on the activities in the menues below to see the information of relevant coming activities as well as information of past events.



Workshops are a great oppportunity to deepen your knowledge on particular and specialized topics relevant for you as doctoral student. Below can you find the information on previous workshops, as well on workshops that are planned annually. 

Come and visit this page regularly to get an updated overview of coming events or get in touch with us with your questions or interest!

LCA software workshop, september 2022

“LCA software workshop” was held on the 2nd and 7th of September 2022. A two days training workshop for Social and Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA, ELCA).

You can even watch the two parts of the workshop at the Institution of Energy and Technology Youtube channel! Click on the links below:

Social LCA workshop

Environmental LCA workshop

Matlab Workshop, September 2023

A hybrid workshop on Matlab was conducted on September 2023 by Gunnar Larsson, researcher at the Department of Energy and Technology. The objective of the workshop was to provide an overview of the software and practical tips on how to use it. 

The participants attended the workshop in-person and online and were more than happy to learn more about MATLAB!

This is was of the activities organized by the research school of Sustainable Systems for Food, energy, and Biomaterials (SSFEB), SLU.

Contact: Dalia Abdelfattah

Stress management workshop, February 2024

The "Stress management workshop" was conducted at Ultuna Campus on the 1st of February 2024. The workshop was given by Sara Ingvarsson, Licenced Psychologist, PhD and organized by Dalia Abdelfattah, Associate Professor at SLU. The workshop is part of the activities provided by the research school of Sustainable systems for food, energy and biomaterials (SSFEB), SLU.

The workshop's aim was to provide academics with a toolbox for increased academic productivity and decreased stress levels. It included both theoretical perspectives on stress and stress management as well as practices of different individual techniques to handle stress and stressful situations. It also included techniques for time management and problem-solving, in addition to discussions to look at how the Ph.D. students can support each other to manage stress and how the supervisors, department and university can provide support to them.

Contact: Dalia Abdelfattah

Thesis summary writing workshop, September 17th 2024

Date, time and place: September 17th, 2024, 9:15-14:45 at Campus
Ultuna, SLU and via Zoom.

Welcome to a thesis summary writing workshop for PhD students! The workshop is jointly organized by The NJ-faculty Research Schools: Focus on Soils and Water, Ecology – basics and applications, Organism Biology, Society and Landscape, Sustainable Systems for Food, Energy and Biomaterials, and is open for all PhD students at SLU.

The aim of the workshop is to give insights and inspiration on how to write a thesis summary. The topics covered are legal issues concerning the thesis summary writing process, writing inspiration, and discussions on “best practices” for writing a thesis summary.

Application and information: 

For further questions, please contact the workshop organizer:
Philip Jacobson
Dept. of Aquatic Resources
+46(0)10-478 42 78

How to become a post doc? (Annual event)

1-day workshop organized by the NJ faculty research schools for you who are thinking about continuing the academich path.

Place, date and time will be announced when the workshop is scheduled.

Information of the 2017 version of the workshop can be found at the Focus on Soils and Water research school.  

Career outside university for PhDs (Annual event)

This workshop aims to inform you who are thinking about pursuing a career outside of academia about the possibilities you have in the labor market outside of the university. 

Information about previous edition of the workshop can be found at the Focus on Soils and Water Graduate School. Get in contact with the organizers if you would like to suggest a new edition of the workshop.

Summer schools: 

Take the opportunity of having an enriching professional, academic and personal experience at our summer schools!  

Previous editions:

ELLS SA Bioeconomy Summer School 2023

The Bioeconomy summer school Bioeconomy: Euroleague for Life Sciences (euroleague-study.org) dealt with the role of agriculture and forestry for bioeconomy with a special emphasis on Swedish bioeconomy examples and on the importance of digitalization.  

The summer took place during 31 July - 11 August 2023 at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden. 


Summer School on Design of sustainable food systems , Italy, 2023

The Summer School on Design of sustainable food systems took place in Pieve Tesino, Trento, Italy, 26th June -7th July 2023. 

The objective of the summer school was to provide participants with a theoretical overview and a basic toolbox to design and assess sustainability in agri-food systems, in an international environment. 

In 2022 the Summer School on Design of sustainable food systems took place on 1st-22 nd July.