Åsa Lankinen, Coordinator Spira
Here you will find an overview of planned activities such as workshops and seminars arranged by SPIRA. Upcoming acitivities are also announced via email to doktorand-LTV.
Contact coordinator Åsa Lankinen for more information.
24th of February at 13.00-16.00. The workshop is part of the mentor program VÄXA but there will be a few places to sign up for.
When: In March every year, next time 5 March 2025.
This day is complementary to the Introductory course in the autumn and will mainly be about obligations and rights of PhD students. You will not get credits for participating on this day, but in case you take the Introductory course you are allowed to skip this part that will also appear on the Introductory course.
Contact Åsa Lankinen for more information.
Åsa Lankinen, Coordinator Spira