Lotta Malmborg,, +46 40 41 5025
Information for course organizers
Some tips and advice when developing a new postgraduate course
If you have any questions, please contact the directors of PhD studies, Helene Larsson Jönsson and Åsa Klintborg Ahlklo, or Åsa Lankinen
FUN-LTV decides about course syllabuses for the LTV Faculty.
Material should be sent to the secretary two weeks before the meeting date. The meeting dates can be found on the LTV web page Meetings and protocols (then choose the Swedish site).
Some tips and advice when developing a new postgraduate course
If you have any questions, please contact the directors of PhD studies, Helene Larsson Jönsson and Åsa Klintborg Ahlklo, or Åsa Lankinen
Registration in Ladok of participating students.
Reporting of approved students
SLU has a university common template for evaluations of doctoral student courses and a university common template for evaluations of educational activities arranged within the framework of a research school.
Templates contain mandatory questions that cannot be changed. The individual course leader can add supplementary questions.
It is also possible to use a web-based course evaluation find out more on the Doctoral courses page under the header Course leaders - web-based course evaluation.
When the course is completed, a course report is sent to FUN, containing:
The report must be sent to within 3 months after the course is completed.
The course report is discussed at the next FUN meeting. After approval, the financial report is passed to FUR in the case of basic courses and to LTV´s financial support in the case of subject courses belonging to the research school. The money will soon after be paid to the department.
Lotta Malmborg,, +46 40 41 5025