Program for Focus on Food and Biomaterials

Last changed: 22 May 2024

This is the course program for Focus on Food and Biomaterials 2024/2025.

Previous courses

Applied Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy

The course gives an overview about NMR strategies that can be performed on biomolecules, such as proteins, peptides, carbohydrates, lipids, and small metabolites. The main objective is to provide the students with knowledge about possibilities and limitations with NMR spectroscopy.

Organiser: Gustav Nestor
Time: fall semester 2023

Read more about the course here

Rheology (4 HEC)

The course will focus on rheology and how it can be applied in food science. You will learn the fundamentals of rheology, measurement methods and data processing as well as get hands on experience working with three different instruments: rheometer, rapid visco analyzer and texture analyzer. The course will include lectures with invited experts, practical exercises and an assignment where you will perform your own experiments.

Organizer: Daniel Johansson
Time: March/April 2020

Read more about the course here

Applied Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy (2 HEC)

Have you ever thought about using NMR spectroscopy in your research project? This course gives an overview about NMR strategies that can be performed on biomolecules, such as proteins, peptides, carbohydrates, lipids, and small metabolites. Focus will be on the practical performance and outcome of NMR experiments. The course is divided into two modules: a theoretical overview of NMR applications for different biomolecules and then practical exercises in the NMR lab.

Organizers: Gustav Nestor
Time: 6-16 of October, 2020

Read more about the course here

To communicate science (2 HEC)

Interaction with the society is becoming increasingly important for researchers. To communicate new knowledge and facilitate its usefulness is an important task for researchers and the universities, and it is also a prerequisite for getting research grants.

This course teaches how to plan and perform effective communication work and what measures and channels that can be used to reach different target groups. It also raises awareness about how to avoid difficulties and misinterpretations.


  • Lotta Jäderlund at the Planning Division,
  • Sara Arons at the Division of Communication,
  • Galia Zamaratskaia at the Department of Molecular Science.

Time: 2022

Read more about the course here

How to write and publish a scientific paper in molecular sciences (5 HEC)

Communication of research data through publication of articles in peer-reviewed academic journals lies at the heart of the scientific profession.

The course is designed to enable students to acquire academic writing skills. This course focuses on the structure of good scientific writing. We also look at the practical process of writing, selection of the journal, and the importance of editing.


  • Tomas Linder
  • Galia Zamaratskaia

Time: fall semester 2022


Advances in Enzyme Regulation (5 HEC)

The course focuses on recent advances in chemical biology, with emphasis on enzyme regulation. You learn about drug design and high-throughput screening, single-molecule imaging and cryo-electron microscopy, guided nanomolecular assemblies and enzyme engineering, N-terminomics and discovery of intrinsically disordered proteins. The program includes two modules: lectures on above topics delivered by world leading experts and training in writing research proposals.

  • Organizer: Peter Bozhkov and Galia Zamaratskaia
  • Time: Autumn 2018
  • Expected no. participants: 15

Read more about the course here.

Practical course on Protein Expression and Purification (3 HEC)

The course provides a comprehensive introduction to and hands-on training in protein expression and purification with focus on eukaryotic expression system -Pichia pastoris. You will learn suitable strategies, e.g. recombinant expression system, and methods for preparation of proteins for function and structural studies. The course consists of lectures and laboratory work.

  • Organizer: Miao Wu
  • Time: April 2019
  • Expected no. participants: 10

Read more about the course here.

How to write and publish a scientific paper in molecular sciences, 5 hp

The students will write a complete scientific paper, choose an appropriate journal to which they will submit the finished paper for publication, learn how to communicate with Editors.

  • Organizer: Galia Zamaratskaia, Tomas Linder
  • Time: Autumn 2017
  • Expected no. participants: 5-8

Read more about the course here.

Lipids and antioxidants in food/feed systems and nutrition

(7.5 ECTS credits incl. a written project)

This course provides enhanced knowledge on evolution, and the consequent nutritional needs.

  • Organizers: Sabine Sampels, Jana Pickova
  • Time: Autumn 2017
  • Expected no. participants: 10

Read more about the course here.

To communicate science, 2 hp

The overall aim of this course is to equip students with skills and tools for effective communication of their scientific results with the media.

  • Organizer: The research school in collaboration with the Planning Division at SLU
  • Time: Spring 2018
  • Expected no. participants: 15

Fronties in –omics, 2 hp

The course provides a substantial theoretical basis to understand key experimental techniques used in modern molecular biology research. Current state of the art in omics data analysis is highlighted through case studies, literature studies and demonstrations.

  • Organizer: Ali Moazzami
  • Time: Spring 2018
  • Expected no. participants: 10

Hand on experiment course in metabolomics, 5 hp

Principle and opetation of NMR and LC-MS metabolomics

  • Organizer: Ali Moazzami
  • Time: Spring 2018
  • Expected no. participants: 10

Contact, 018-672005, 018-673185